Activities for Children

Dates this 2024 Autumn term:
3&17 September, 1&15 October, 5&19 November, and 3&17 December.

JAM Club
The JAM Club is a club held on alternate Tuesdays from 6:30-8pm for children of primary school years 3-6 (approx 7-11 yr olds).​
We offer lots of activities and games, crafts and trips, with stories and learning about Jesus.
JAM stands for 'Jesus And Me' - all are welcome, bring a friend. Cost: 50p each.

Oaks & Acorns
Oaks & Acorns takes place every Tuesday 1pm-2:30pm. All children 0-4 years are welcome with a parent/carer.
Bring your baby, toddler or pre-schooler to Meredith Road Baptist Church, stay with them to natter and play.
We have lots of active playtime, a storytime, and refreshments. Cost just £1 per family.

Occasionally we all stay together for a cafe-style all-age family service.

Connect on Sunday
On most Sunday mornings children of all ages
can enjoy activities in a CONNECT group.
Start with the adults at 10:30am for the beginning of the worship service. Around 10:45am come and be part of a Connect group at appropriate learning levels.
We'll sing songs, hear a Bible story, play together, and create things related to the story.
We finish around 11:45am and join the adults for a drink and biscuit.