Give to
Meredith Road Baptist Church
in Coventry
A loving, welcoming community, helping people to know Jesus,
and encouraging people to grow in their Christian faith.
Various ways you can donate
By Cash in Person
There is a secure collecting tin
on the wall in the church Foyer.
Please use a 'Gift Aid' envelope
if you are a taxpayer, so that we can reclaim the tax.
If paying by Cheque, please make it out to:
'Meredith Road Baptist Church'.
By Debit/Credit Card
On Sunday mornings you can donate by contactless bank card using
our Sum-up Card Reader.
Just ask a Welcomer or a Deacon to bring it to you.
By Bank Transfer
If you would prefer to donate from your bank account via online banking (BACS), you will need our banking details.
Just contact the Administrator for a BACS form.
If a taxpayer, you can indicate on the form whether you wish the church to claim the Gift Aid on your donation.
Donate via
We would encourage you to use our Stewardship giving page.
There you can choose to either make a one-off or a regular Standing Order payment.
Stewardship will claim the Gift Aid from your donation on the Church's behalf.
The 3% cost for their services will be deducted from the total after claiming the Gift Aid.
For example, if you donate £10 and Gift Aid it, Stewardship will charge just 38p, and the church will receive £12.12.
Please click here: